2014年3月30日 星期日

Bodum French Press & Pyrex scale cup

話說老媽把原本玻璃Bodum French Press打破了, 我趕快緊急從Amazon訂一個不锈鋼製的壺, 還有Pyrex的玻璃量杯, 不得不稱讚一下Amazon, 星期日下午訂, 星期四就收到了, 雖然運費不便宜, 但商品有便宜到, 所以還是很值得。
A Bodum French Press & Pyrex Scale Cup were ordered from Amazon on Sunday, then received them on Thursday, that is really impressive shipping. The freight is not cheap actually, however, the overall is very decent.
Bodum Columbia French Press
Pyrex Scale Cup
Pyrex 可直接放入微波爐, 拿來直接倒入牛奶加熱, 實在很方便。
一平匙的咖啡粉(15g), 加上約150cc熱水, 然後再加上100cc熱牛奶。真的是比外面一杯NT$100的好喝多了。
Pyrex scale cup is available in microwave, so just put milk in the cup and warm up in microwave, it's pretty convenient. 
One spoon of ground coffee, 150cc hot water, and 100cc hot milk. This is my simple coffee recipe, but i think it is much better than any coffee shop.
Make a Cup of Coffee
A Cup of beautiful Coffee

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