2014年5月18日 星期日

涼拌青木瓜 Green Papaya Salad

夏天到了, 就是要吃些酸酸辣辣又開胃的菜, 逛超市時看到青木瓜就買了一顆回家, 打算一半涼拌, 一半煮湯。因為材料沒有備齊, 不然還可以加入香菜, 小蕃茄還有花生來增加風味, 但其實簡單的調味也很好吃囉, 愛吃辣就多加點辣椒, 愛吃甜就多加點糖, 很自由的一道菜唷!
Summer is just around the corner, it is the season to have some spicy and sour salad. I have a plan for my green papaya which I bought from super market, half for salad, half for soup. The salad I made this time was quite easy, but some other ingredients can be added, such as coriander, small tomato and peanuts. But simple flavour is still good. if you like spicy, you could add more chilly, if you like sweet, more sugar would be fine. 

材料 (Ingredient)
1. 半顆青木瓜 (Half Green Papaya)
2. 鹽 (Salt): 2 茶匙 (2 tea spoon)
3. 糖 (Sugar): 3 大匙 (3 table spoon)
4. 檸檬 (Lemon): 1 顆
5. 辣椒 (Chilly): 適量 (Some)
6. 蒜頭 (Garlic): 適量 (Some)

做法 (Direction)
1. 將青木瓜刨成絲或薄片
2. 用鹽先將青木瓜抓醃出水, 再用冷開水將鹽份洗過
3. 蒜頭及辣椒切末, 連同檸檬汁及糖拌入青木瓜
4. 攪拌均勻, 試一下味道, 就可放入冰箱等待入味囉

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