I have been trying to make a better texture steamed bun so many time, it was not that successful in past few times. This time, I try a new flavour- Soy milk, Mulberry and Lycium, which is very healthy and taste very good. However, there was something needs to be improved, that is I didnt take the moisture of Lycium into account.
1. 中筋麵粉 (All purpose flour): 250g
2. 豆漿+桑椹汁(Soy milk+ Mulberry juice): 120cc
3. 速發乾酵母 (Instant yeast): 3g
4. 枸杞 (Lycium): 15g
1. 將麵粉加入酵母, 豆漿及桑椹汁揉成光滑麵團, 等待發酵至二倍大
2. 枸杞泡水(x)---->這是錯誤步驟, 應該只要洗乾淨, 而且水份瀝乾, 否則再加入發酵好的麵 團會太濕
3. 將發酵好的麵團和枸杞充分混合, 分成四等份, 再放到蒸籠中醒約10-15分鐘, 就可以用中火從冷水開始蒸約15分鐘, 熄火後不要買上打開蓋子, 以免饅頭馬上縮小。
因為沒考量到枸杞水分, 所以後來又加了一些麵粉下去揉, 還好有補救回來 XD
沒有留言 :