I am a super fan of hot and spicy food, so I really cannot resit Indian food, especially their bread are just so good with curry.
Last time I made Naan which leavened flatbread, but Chapati is unleavened one, which means that it is much quick and easy to make Chapati.
1. 全麥麵粉(Whole Wheat Flour): 2杯 (2 Cups)
2. 鹽(Salt): 1 茶匙 (1 Tea Spoon)
3. 橄欖油(Olive Oil): 2 湯匙 (2 Table Spoon)
4. 溫水 (Warm Water): 3/4 杯 (3/4 Cup)
1. 將鹽加入麵粉中拌勻
Add salt in to flour and mix it.
2. 將油加入麵粉中後再慢慢倒入水,記得水別一次倒完,視麵團狀況調整水量,揉成不沾手的麵團即可
Add olive oil in and warm water in slowly, don't add all water in one time. Make a soft and elastic dough, but not sticky.
3. 麵團蓋上濕布休息20分鐘
Cover with a towel and allow the dough to rest about 20 mins.
4. 將麵團分為10等份,桿成薄薄的圓形
Divide the dough to 10 parts and roll out until very thin.
5. 平底鍋加熱,但火別轉太大,桿好的餅直接放上去烤即可,一下子就會看到麵皮冒泡泡漲起來,然後再翻面烤,一下子就好囉
Heat the pan until hot, but keep the heat medium, lay a Chapati on it until the surface is bubbling. Then turn it over for 15~20 seconds, as soon as the brown spot on the underside.
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