2014年4月21日 星期一

超簡單烤雞翅! Super Easy Grilled Chicken Wings

我最愛的肉類就是雞肉了, 尤其是雞翅, 雞腿我還不愛吃呢, 喜歡那種啃骨頭的口感。
炸雞翅或烤雞翅, 吃起來真的超酥脆的, 在澳洲時也因為雞翅便宜, 所以常常買一大盒回來烤, 準備起來容易又快。
My favourite meat is chicken, especially chicken wing, unlike drumstick, I love chicken wing much more because of its texture. Fried chicken wing and grilled chicken wing is really crisp, when I was in Australia, that was kind of  my regular dish.

1.雞翅(Chicken Wing): 5支(Pieces)
2.義大利綜合香料(Dried Italian spices)
3.黑楜椒(Black Pepper)
4.七味粉(Japanese mixed chilly powder-Nanami)

1. 將2~5均勻拌入雞翅後,放入冰箱約4小時
    Season chicken wings all sides with 2~5 ingredient and put it in the fridge about 4 hrs.
2. 可用烤箱也可用平底鍋煎,我是用小烤箱,先預熱約10分鐘,一面先烤15分鐘後,再翻面烤約10分鐘,二邊都金黃色即可
   You could either use oven or flat pan to cook it, I got a small oven, so preheat the oven about 10 mins, then get chicken wings into the oven for 15 mins, then turn it     over and put it back to the oven for another 10 mins until it is golden brown. 

2014年4月20日 星期日

免烤 Cheese cake (Non-Bake)

突然很想吃cheese cake, 外面賣的也不太合我胃口,回台灣後因為沒有大烤箱就有點懶得做, 但其實小烤箱也是可以做出好吃的cheese cake, 材料也都很容易買。
Suddenly, old day memory of home made cheese cake in AU back to my mind today, I love cheese cake, however, most of baking shop cheese cake are not my type. I dont have a big oven as in Australia now, but that does not mean that I cannot make cheese cake. 
There is an easy and quick way to make it. 


蛋糕體 (For the topping)
糖(Sugar): 20g
優格(Yogurt): 10g
Cream Cheese: 1 packet (250g)

基底 (For the base)
消化餅(Digestive Biscuits): 120g
奶油(Butter): 60g

1. 首先把消化餅敲碎加入溶化的奶油拌均後,放到小烤盤上烤5分鐘
    Crack biscuits and mix with melt butter, and bake it in small oven for 5 mins

2. 混合優格, 糖及cream cheese
    Mix yogurt, sugar and cream cheese

3. 將烤好的餅干倒入容器中,舖平並壓緊,再倒入混合的cream cheese
    Put the baked biscuits into container and press the base mixture down hard into the button of     the container. Then pour the topping mixture onto the base and spread. 

4. 再放入加入一點點水的平底鍋中加熱約5分鐘
    And put the container in the pre heat flat pan with some water for 5 mins

5. 將蛋糕放涼後再放入冰箱
    Then put the cake into fridge until the topping has set.

小記 (Note)
1. 如果有食物處理機,餅干就直接倒進去攪拌就好囉
    If you have food processor, that would be easier to get fine crumbs.
2. 如果家中有大烤箱,可以直接將敲碎的消化餅倒入蛋糕容器中烤
    You could put crumbs into the cake container and bake it in the big oven.
3. Cream Cheese放在室溫變軟較好拌
     It would be easier to mix the topping when cream cheese get soft in room temperature.
4. 在平底鍋加熱時,水不用太多,有點半蒸烤的方式
     Just need some water in the flat pan, it is half steam and half bake.

Cream Cheese+Yogurt+sugar
超好吃Cheese Cake

2014年4月13日 星期日


夏天要到囉, 覺得房間的冷氣孔邊邊實在太醜了, 趁假日來好好改造一下。
把又醜又髒的邊邊膠帶撕掉, 然後擦乾淨, 4邊用3M土黃色封箱膠帶黏上。
再用二種不同花色的紙膠帶再貼上去, 不過紙膠帶的黏性不強, 邊邊很容易掉下來, 所以又再用紙黏土補強了一下。

突然覺得這種佈置方式很方便, 一來想要隨心情便換花色很方便, 二來因為冷氣的邊邊都好容易有灰塵, 貼了膠帶, 如果懶得擦的話, 其實就整個撕掉就好了, 不過是不太環保啦。

變裝前 醜醜髒髒的
