I dont really drink tea a lot, especially milk tea, however, the flavour of Chai Tea is just amazing, if you do like spices.
唐寧紅茶包(Twinings Black tea bag) 1包 (1 Tea Bag)
牛奶 (Milk) 50 cc
水 (Water) 150 cc
香料粉 (Masala Powder) 5g
丁香(Clove) 3根(3 Cloves)
肉桂(Cinnamon) 一小片(a Small Piece)
糖(Sugar) 少許(a Pinch)
做法很簡單, 先將茶包, 丁香, 肉桂及香料粉放水煮滾後, 關火靜置10分鐘, 再加進牛奶煮滾後轉小火, 要一直攪拌, 不然因為有牛奶容易焦, 過1-2分鐘後, 再轉中火煮滾, 這樣重覆3~4次, 把茶及香料味煮出來, 最後再加糖, 就是一杯香氣十足的印度奶茶囉。
This is just so easy to make Chai tea, just put tea bag, cloves and cinnamon into a pot and boil it, then turn off the heat, leave it for 10 mins,then add milk in and boil it again.
When the milk tea boiled, reduce the heat, please keep stirring the milk tea, then turn on the heat and boil it again, so just boil it 3~4 times, in the end, add some sugar.
It's a full of flavour Chai Tea.
沒有留言 :