2014年7月27日 星期日

公平貿易咖啡 Fairtrade Coffee

喝完家裡前一批買的咖啡豆後,決定來購買生態綠的咖啡豆,生態綠是台灣第一間通過 國際公平貿易組織 (FLO)認證的貿易商。
After running out my coffee beans recently, I decided to buy Okogreen coffee beans, Okogreen is the first Fairtrade Labelling Organization (FLO) trader.
Okogreen provided fairtrade coffee in the beginning of their business, they also have fairtrade supermaket now. Besides coffee, the various products are provided, such as chocolate, beer, olive oil ...etc. That makes fairtrade products more close to consumers. The stereo type of fairtrade product is more expensive, however, that also shows that our consumption could help the farmers to get rational payment and work in good working environment. In fact, the prices of fairtrade products are not that high as we thought, compare to some branded coffee beans, its price is pretty decent and it is also very tasty, even without sugar and milk. 

The package of Okogreen coffee bean is quite impressive, when we open the paper package, it shows a brief introduction of fairtrade and the population of some countries living below poverty line, also there is a small booklet which teach you how to keep coffee beans and make a good cup of coffee. 

I use french press to make coffee, the coffee beans is really nice, it's a bit sour but not bitter. Maybe it is too exaggerated to change a world by a cup of coffee, but don't overlook the power of your consumption, many people's life might be changed because of you.

2014年7月20日 星期日

印度烤餅 Chapati

I am a super fan of hot and spicy food, so I really cannot resit Indian food, especially their bread are just so good with curry.
Last time I made Naan which leavened flatbread, but Chapati is unleavened one, which means that it is much quick and easy to make Chapati. 

1. 全麥麵粉(Whole Wheat Flour): 2杯 (2 Cups)
2. 鹽(Salt): 1 茶匙 (1 Tea Spoon)
3. 橄欖油(Olive Oil): 2 湯匙 (2 Table Spoon)
4. 溫水 (Warm Water): 3/4 杯 (3/4 Cup)

1. 將鹽加入麵粉中拌勻
     Add salt in to flour and mix it.
2. 將油加入麵粉中後再慢慢倒入水,記得水別一次倒完,視麵團狀況調整水量,揉成不沾手的麵團即可
    Add olive oil in and warm water in slowly, don't add all water in one time. Make a soft and elastic dough, but not sticky. 
3. 麵團蓋上濕布休息20分鐘 
    Cover with a towel and allow the dough to rest about 20 mins. 
4. 將麵團分為10等份,桿成薄薄的圓形
    Divide the dough to 10 parts and roll out until very thin. 
5. 平底鍋加熱,但火別轉太大,桿好的餅直接放上去烤即可,一下子就會看到麵皮冒泡泡漲起來,然後再翻面烤,一下子就好囉
    Heat the pan until hot, but keep the heat medium, lay a Chapati on it until the surface is bubbling. Then turn it over for 15~20 seconds, as soon as the brown spot on the       underside.
